Paper Flower Bouquet, E-Book
Paper Flower Bouquet, E-Book Paper Flower Bouquet, E-Book Paper Flower Bouquet, E-Book Paper Flower Bouquet, E-Book Paper Flower Bouquet, E-Book

Whether for decor or a celebration, paper flower bouquets are the solution. They'll last forever! Now all of your favorites are in one place! Try out our ever famous Peony Bouquet or even bright colored Cinco de Mayo Inspired Bouquet.

Included in the e-book are the following bouquets and flowers:

  • Royal Wedding inspired bouquet, which includes the following flowers: sprig of myrtle, forget me not, jasmine, sweet pea, lily of the valley
  • Cinco de Mayo inspired bouquet, which includes the following flowers: tulip, daffodil, kumquat, poppy & greenery
  • Coral Charm Peony bouquet, which includes the following flowers: peony, billy ball, greenery
  • Paper Chinese Peony bouquet, which includes the following flowers: paper Chinese peony and greenery

E-book download will be sent to your email upon purchase (the download works best from a computer)

    All downloadable files (patterns, templates & printables) are non-refundable and non-returnable. 

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